Alcohol & You

Alcohol and you: Take the Quiz! Test Your Alcohol KnowledgeProvide a true or false answer for each of the 10 questions listed below. When you are finished, check your results to review your results. Top of Form T   F   Alcohol is a central nervous system stimulant. T   F   Alcohol and aspirin taken together raises Blood Alcohol Levels. T   F   Alcohol abuse and alcohol dependence are… Read More

Growing Into Our Future

You, me, all of us will always have a future, as long as we live. Whether it’s five minutes before we die or 50 years before we pass. Whether you are 6 and discovering all, 16 and questioning everything, 30 and changing life course, 50 and pontificating about life, or 75 and ruing your lack of accomplishment, you have a… Read More

Using Adversity

The more we’re challenged, the better we become. What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger. Failure brings success. All of these have the same theme. Why then do we groan at challenge, stress, and failure? Welcome the difficult, the query, the obstacle, the error. When you’ve made a mistake, invest in it, learn from it, use it to make your… Read More

Purpose of Insurance

Many people fail to see the purpose of insurance because they rarely have to use it. When someone suffers injury at the hand of someone else, insurance should be there to make the someone whole and to protect the someone else from substantial hardship. Often times, insurance fails to do either one, usually in the names of misunderstanding and profit.… Read More