Habits, Change, or Chains

A very wise man once wrote that we rarely discover a habit within ourselves until it has become a heavy chain, dragging us down. See those habits before they become burdensome and are difficult to change. If you or a friend becomes is already past into the chain stage, find your way out or help them find their solution. Read More

Lawyers and Expectations

When you have created the need to hire an attorney, your decision will determine the outcome of your issue. It should be guided by your expectations, and those expectations should not include magic or perfection. They should include the best the attorney has to offer, appropriate attention, experience, and knowledge. Expecting miracles will almost always beget disappointment, which compounds the… Read More

The Expertise of the Electronic Age

When you get yourself in trouble, when you make a mistake, when you need to prepare for the future, or when you have been injured, you now have the availability of a knowledgeable source to help you find the right attorney to guide you through and to the solution. The internet. Look to it for damage control, the right answer,… Read More

Expecting the Worst

Being arrested for DUI brings about an expectation of the worst: jail, loss of license, loss of job, financial consequences including insurance issues, conversations among your peers and family members, and most importantly, fear of the unknown. Finding an experienced guide who can guide you through the maze of laws and exposure, as well as the fear that has jumped… Read More

Growing Into Our Future

You, me, all of us will always have a future, as long as we live. Whether it’s five minutes before we die or 50 years before we pass. Whether you are 6 and discovering all, 16 and questioning everything, 30 and changing life course, 50 and pontificating about life, or 75 and ruing your lack of accomplishment, you have a… Read More

Using Adversity

The more we’re challenged, the better we become. What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger. Failure brings success. All of these have the same theme. Why then do we groan at challenge, stress, and failure? Welcome the difficult, the query, the obstacle, the error. When you’ve made a mistake, invest in it, learn from it, use it to make your… Read More